Update(6/7/2016): Alright, take two. Again, let me know if you find bugs,
reddit post here. If it's a matter of leveling suggestions seeming weird, please include a link to your savefile if you can so that I can reproduce the calculations to look at what's going on. If the bug is something that I can't replicate, then unless everyone is getting the same thing, it's not going to be a priority.
- There was a bug in my all damage and hero dps calculations, which affected the tap damage stats, which affected the DmgE calculations. So, hopefully things are displaying nice and correctly, and the DmgE leveling seems more normal.
- I think this time I'll just leave the updated version up as people find bugs (sorry for switching back and forth), though expect a number of state resets if I need to fix things concerning that (sorry ><)
- It looks like Firefox is not happy with the update, but I'm not really sure what I can do about it, since tentatively it seems like it's some Firefox bug that crashes when you use number input fields (see crash report and bug report. (...use Chrome? >>)
- Thanks to , you can now upload from .bin files, which I take is helpful for Mac users?
- Loading the sequencer directly/refreshing on it is a bit weird (whether you own artifacts doesn't show up), but clicking "get info" will pull that info